Luckily, we are living in the time that is quite kind to smaller businesses, artists and makers as people are more and more enjoying the diversity, and particularly the personal stories behind them. Being a maker who does not wish to become big in the business world, Olivia Chylinski, a beautiful mind behind The Brown Paper Movement, brings her...
I like to write things on various topics. Sometimes, when the situations asks for it, I write in Czech but most of the time I resort to English as it feels more natural to me. I did all my readings and writings in English at university so it might be why it is easier for me to get things across in this language.
Recently I have had the opportunity to lay my hands on beautiful products from a Swedish design studio SSM, i.e. Smålands Skinnmanufaktur. A rather small but no less intriguing studio, which also has their own manufacture, is undoubtedly known to interior designers. Or it should be. The minimalistic design and natural materials on uncommon products...
A Nordic-inspired interior design brand
First of all, I would love to claim that I don't call myself a minimalist. While I don't see myself as a true follower, I still use this philosophy as a tool to make my life more organized, free and much less complicated. Whether I think about my job, food, interior or possessions, I like to (or more precisely...
/EN/ BESTÅ makeover with Prettypegs
Giving shabby furniture a makeover is like a little addiction. It feels like giving something a second chance. I decided to give my BESTÅ TV unit a new life with the front layers by Prettypegs. The process is so easy. I mean insanely easy, even for the cack-handed ones like I am.
/EN+CZ/ Kristina Dam Studio
Kristina Dam Studio is a brand that quickly found its position in the interior design world. The talented designer, who graduated from the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, often lets her love for architecture and minimalistic lines enter her designs.
/EN/ Introducing ... Jamie aka Lumber Décor
One can easily get lost in the flashy jungle of fast plastic products but coming across people who put their best efforts into perfecting the final product is like finding an oasis in the middle of an arid desert. There is a growing community of people who choose quality over quantity refusing cheap ways. It is true that sometimes people...
/EN/ IKEA's Ivar makeover with Prettypegs
Ever since I discovered Prettypegs, a company which provides upgrading stuff for your Ikea furniture, I have been addicted. I keep thinking about what I could improve with all the stunning legs, knobs or even doors for the Besta unit. Perhaps you still remember a nice makeover I gave to my box spring bed (not Ikea) and my Soderhamn...
Přiznávám to - na Vánoce se těším vždycky už od skončení letní sezóny. V pětatřiceti stupňových vedrech, které jsem zažívali ještě v září, bylo příjemné myslet na zasněženou krajinu, svařené víno a cukroví. Čas přímo pádí a to nejkouzelnější období je skoro tady
/CZ/ Canapé by SOFFA
V samém srdci české metropole, na pražských Foglarových Stínadlech se v rámci dvacáteho ročníku Designbloku otevřel výjimečný pop-up prostor Canapé by Soffa. Magazín Soffa a Sotheby's Realty Czech Republic zpřístupnili neobyčejný a architektonicky nesmírně cenný areál Obecního dvora, jehož začátky lze vypátrat už v 15.století. Uvnitř se nachází...